London with Alison
I think, most of the time, people visit a place once and move on to whichever destination is next on their list. That’s the problem with bucket lists full of locations around the world — the temptation to go somewhere new is often too difficult to resist.
But the benefit, the beauty, in returning to places you’ve already been is that you get to see them anew. You get to notice the details, devote entire days to wandering, and view the familiar with fresh perspective.
If you’re lucky, you get to visit with someone new each time. Someone who will pick up on things you don’t and watch the world in a completely different way. For my third trip back to London, that person was @alisonkay97, and I’m grateful to have traveled with someone whose soul is so like my own.
These are some snapshots from the five days we spent in London. The small corners, closeup details, and scenes we encountered as we explored the city together.